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Minister of Oil Inaugurates the Workshop on propagation of the technology of Carbon Trapping, Exploitation, Transmission and Storage


His Excellency Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa opened on Sunday morning 19 February 2017 a workshop addressing the challenges and opportunities for propagation of carbon gathering, exploitation, transmission and storage. The workshop was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA)   in collaboration with the National Oil and Gas Authority at Bahrain Crown Plaza Hotel with considerable attendance by officials from ESCWA, oil and gas sector, specialized government organizations, persons of interests and stakeholders.

His Excellency the Minister lauded the positive  cooperation between the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and the National Oil and Gas Authority where such cooperation has been crowned with  the hosting of this workshop that zeroed in on a very important issue providing for minimizing emissions of the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere while highlighting the fact that the Arab region is facing a number of challenges and opportunities with respect to spreading the technologies which involve the trapping, utilization, transmission and storage of carbon products, thereby dictating the need for review of all academic, scientific, economic and environmental aspects and ramifications of this issue.

Keynote speakers in the workshop included experts from ESCWA, others form several Arab, regional and international experts who made presentations, audio-visual themes and discussion boards to exchange opinions on the subjects and issues related to the climate change and environmental concerns. The carbon harvesting, utilization, transmission and storage technology is considered one of the significant ingredients for elimination of carbon in global energy systems, which will in turn contribute to reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases by about 13% by the year 2050 according to the International Energy Agency.

The workshop focused on aspects which depend on the carbon trapping, utilization, transmission and storage and prevention of carbon elements from reaching the atmosphere through recapturing and recycling of carbon or otherwise injection in geological formations which house oil, gas and coal reservoirs and deep salt water aquifers. The purpose of the workshop was to explore the challenges and opportunities for extensive use, propagation and spreading of the carbon trapping, utilization, transmission and storage technology while conducting a survey of the side effects of this technology within the context of the international and regional environmental laws and from the perspective of the link between water and energy.

Also speakers in the workshop included Dr. Khawlah Matar, Deputy Executive Secretary for supporting the programs of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and Dr. Ayman Shasly Chairman of the Arab Negotiation Group in the negotiations of the United Nations Framework Agreement on Climate Change and Head of the Green Climate Fund.

ESCWA also organized in collaboration with NOGA another workshop at the same location (Crowne Plaza Hotel) during Monday and Tuesday (20 and 21 February entitled (Efficient Exploitation of Resources – Energy- Water Association". The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the efficiencies of processes involving the resources production and consumption and provision of water and energy services, besides promotion of the mental capacities of government officials who manage or supervise provision of water and energy services, arming them with the technological strategies which will contribute to attainment of sustainable management of water and energy services that will in turn contribute to sustainable development. Oil production processes guzzle massive amounts of water in order to crank up well production and maximize the value added scope.
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