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The Minister of Oil participates in the seventh symposium of the International Energy forum


His Excellency Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa, Minister of Oil, participated in the seventh seminar of the International Energy Forum, which was organized in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh during the period 14-16 February 2017, with the participation of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries and the International Energy Agency. The symposium discussed the future oil outlook. The Bahraini delegation participating with His Excellency included Engineer Jassim Isa Al-Shirawi, General Manager of Oil and Gas Affairs in the National Oil and Gas Authority.

His Excellency Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa presided over the second session where he addressed the industry's point of view on energy prospects on the short, medium and long term.

The third round table meeting was also held for thought leaders on the subject of "What's Next Post Paris Agreement- Will the World Manage Peak Oil Demand?" This event was prepared in advance and preceded by preparatory workshops organized in Holland, Dubai, United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The round table was attended by a large number of leaders in governments and oil and industrial sectors and will be followed by a joint study to be issued by the end of 2017.

An elite group of thought leaders from international oil companies, research centres and specialized consulting institutions, in addition to several officials from the energy and oil ministries from energy producers and consumers.
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