Our Services

Service for Issuing a Multi-Use Permits for the Import and Export of Petroleum Products in the OFOQ System


Service for Issuing a Multi-Use Permits for the Import and Export of Petroleum Products in the OFOQ System

Service Description

This service, provided by the Ministry of Oil and Environment to national oil companies, allows them to apply for prior permits to import or export petroleum products.

Scope of Service

Issuance of multi-use permits for importing or exporting petroleum products, according to specified requirements.​​


Issuance of multi-use permits for importing or exporting petroleum products, according to specified requirements.

Steps for Submitting the Application:

  1. Submit the application through the OFOQ system ofoq.gov.bh
  2. Send a notification of the application to the email Licensing@Moo.gov.bh

Required Documents

  • Certificate of Quantity for each new product intended for import or export.
  • Validity of the Permit:
    Three months from the date of issuance.​​

Terms and Conditions(Updateable)

  • All information provided must be accurate.
  • The applicant bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the data.
  • Transportation is not the responsibility of the Ministry.

Service Duration

3 working days (from the date of fulfilling all requirements and required documents) are fulfilled.

Service fees

No fees are required for this service.

Apply for this Service


​For more information, please visit the website of the Ministry of Oil and Environment www.moo.gov.bh

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